
Help With PC: Internet Speed Test

This blog was initially set up to help, advise and give information to English speaking Expats who were experiencing problems with their PC’s in France. However, this service has now grown so we have expanded the blog to incorporate help to anyone who experiences Computer problems, for those who do not want to spend a fortune trying to solve their issues, and who need advice and help from a fully qualified technician. You will find our approach straight forward and jargon free.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Internet Speed Test

A concern to many people is that they pay for an 4 or 8 meg connection but what is the actual speed that they get. Sadly the results can vary so rapidly from one site to another so it can be difficult to judge. sites such as can offer you a speed test but depending on the server that you connect to even these results can vary quite dramatically. It is however worth trying them as it will at least give you some idea. If having run the tests all results give you a 1 meg or less connection and you are paying for an 8 meg... then you may have some concerns to think about. There are other sites that you could try just do a search in Google for "Internet connection speed test" to find them out. If you want to see if your download speeds are high look to for a download.... anything at all just to see how it moves. These servers tend to be very quick so you have a better chance than from a normal download server.

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